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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Top 10 Movies

1)The Hangover 2
2)Fast Five
3)The Hangover
4)The Fast and The Furious
5)Saving Private Ryan
6)Blackhawk Down
7)Pirates of The Carribean
8)Indiana Jones
9)True Grit
10)Forest Gump

Top Movies


Shawshank Redemption
V for Vendetta
The Simpsons
The Graduate
Rumor Has It
The Great Debators
Citizen Kane
Ben Hur
Gone With The Wind


The Great Debators

Shawshank Redemption

Andy, a man that was sent to jail for a crime he didn’t do. He went through it peacefully and didn’t cause too much drama. He made a good friend Red who is the guy who can get things. At the beginning of the movie he gets a rock hammer from Red which Red laughed and asked if he was going to break out with it. Andy just laughed and said wait till you look at it. It was a small little hammer which red thought that nobody could tunnel out with that. Sure enough Andy attempted and was able to tunnel himself through a wall with that little hammer that took him19 years.
Andy spent 19 years in prison before he broke out. He was an innocent man that was sent to life in prison for killing his wife and her lover. Along the way he met a new guy Tommy who had a cellmate that told him that the husband took the blame for the golf pro and woman (which was Andy’s wife) when he actually killed them. Andy told the Warden and he didn’t want him to get out because Andy was his financial man. The Warden took it so far that he decided to kill Tommy so Andy wouldn’t be released. That’s when Andy decided to break out of the prison through the whole he dug. He took all of the Wardens Dirty money with him and already had a new name.
Shawshank Redemption is one of the best movies we watched in film studies. I thought it was really interesting seeing how an innocent man goes through prison for 19 years who used to be a successful man. And how he planned and escapes in the prison, crawled 500 yards through poop with the Wardens suit and freshly buffed shoes and how he goes to the bank and takes out all of the money. I also liked how he wrote a letter and shipped it off which said everything the Warden was doing. He then decided to take the easy way out and kill himself. He told Red where to go once he gets out of prison which contained a letter saying where he would be and some money to get him there. At the end of the movie they are reunited on a nice sand beach which made for a great ending.
Rating: 9/10

V for Vendetta

“Remember Remember The 5th of November”
V seems to be a super human that has the strength of a wildabeast. He took in a girl that helped him and that was in trouble. He ends up taking her to his cave which she felt she was a prisoner. She found anyway to get out and told him that she would help him when all she wanted to do was get out. Once she finally got out she went to a friends house who made that same breakfast for her that V did. Coincidence I think not, it’s a smbol of her locked up later in the move which is really interesting.
Throughout the whole movie you can tell that V doesn’t want to do this for the people. Its all about him getting revenge from all the people that locked him up and torchered him. Although he does get the people to follow him. He send out a mask like his to everyone just to cause chaos in the city. They all see him as a hero although hes bassically the number 1 wanted man in the city. What I don’t get is how he got all of the money to ship out those maskes but he is a pretty sneaky guy so I figure he just stole it.
Another iteresting thing about this movie is that V doesn’t use any guns. All he uses are knives, throwing stars and things that have blades. You would think that he would stand no chance against a man with a gun which in the end he doesn’t even with a bullet  proof vest on. But at the beginning all he uses are knives and kill easily and leaves without problems. I know this is a comic and that there are a lot of holes in them but I just wished that it was a bit more realistic.
rating: 8/10

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Simpson Movie

5 Example of Irony:
1) "Why does Everything I whip leave me?" - Homer
2) When Krusty was about to cut a pig in a hamburger shop.
3) "I hereby declare a state of emergency: Code Black" - Quimby (when the worst color is red)
4) The papers that said stop dumping in the lake ended up in the lake.
5) The scene when homers holding up the poster for Alaska and he puts it down and its the same veiw that the poster had on it

5 Puns:
1) "Look at that, you can see the four states that border Springfield: Ohio, Nevada, Maine, and Kentucky! - Flanders
2) "I'll teach you to laugh at something that's funny!" - Homer
3) "Black? That's the worst color there is." - Lenny
4) "Okay, epiphany, epiphany... oh I know! Bananas are an excellent source of potassium!" - Homer
5) "It's nowhere near where anything is or ever was. This is Tom Hanks saying, if you're gonna pick a government to trust, why not this one?" Tom Hanks

Top 5 Quotes:
1) "I like men now." - Ralph after bart skates by naked
2) "Bart, are you drinking whiskey?" Marge
    "I'm Troubled" - Bart
3) "How did the pig tracks get on the ceiling?" - Marge
4) "Homer do good?" Homer
    "Actually, you've doomed us all. Again." - Bart
5) "He's not Spider-Pig anymore, he's Harry Plopper." - Homer

6 Examples of Parody
1) "This is Tom Hanks saying if you see me in person, please, leave me alone." - Tom Hanks
2) "We have a great life here in Alaska, and we're never going back to America again!" - Homer
3) "If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico!" - Krusty
4)Bart puts a black bra on his head and says "I'm the mascot of an evil corporation!"
5) "Perfect. Cut. Print. Kill the pig." - Krusty
    "What... you can't kill him if he's wearing people clothes!" - Homer
6) "This book doesn't have any answers!: - Homer flipping through bible

6 Examples of Satire
1) "Hey everybody, I found one! The government actually found someone we're looking for! YEAH, BABY, YEAH!" -NSA
2) The Simpson House goes down the sink hole and the chie says "They're China's problem now."
3) "I can't believe we're paying to see something we get on TV for free! If you ask me, everybody in this theater is a giant sucker! Especially you!" - Homer
4) " S-sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power." - EPA
    "Of course I have. You ever tried going mad without power? It's boring. No one listens to you! - Russ
5) " Uh, Chief, I think there was a dead body in there." - Lou
    "I thought that too, until he said yard trimmings. You gotta learn to listen, Lou." Chief
6) "Hello, I'm Tom Hanks. The US Government has lost its credibility so it's borrowing some of mine." -Tom